“When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.” - John Muir

About Us.

We are is pleased to announce that in 2023 we are expanding our growing operation with the purchase of Suzie’s Country Greenhouse! We intend to continue Suzie’s tradition of providing the area with quality annuals, perennials, herbs and vegetables. The whole Suzie’s “Dirty Girl” team is returning and we are excited to start a new Chapter.

Our greatest thanks to Susie and Jody Bellefeuille. Thank you for creating an amazing business and for giving us the opportunity to steward it in the years to come! We will do our utmost to continue providing the beautiful, quality plants that Susie’s customers expect and deserve.

See you soon at the Greenhouse!

-Chelsea, Steve, and Ryden

Our philosophy is that everyone should have a garden. There is nothing better than being surrounded by the sweet smell of flowers in bloom, bees buzzing and birds singing. Gardens are good for the soul and good for the planet. Of course great gardens start with great plants.

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